3 days, 3 quotes: day 1| tag

Hello again book adventurers!

I’ve been tagged by the wonderful Josie over at Josie’s Book Corner to take part in the 3 days, 3 quotes tag! This is my very first tag and I’m really excited to be a part of it. I have to admit I am a bit of a nerd for quotes, they’re like little bitesize chunks of inspiration!

For my first quote, I thought I’d fall back to my beloved Harry Potter books and this one comes from the third one Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. 

hpThis quote has always resonated with me and is something I think about a lot, especially alongside my yoga practise. It reminds the reader to concentrate on positive vibes even when everything around seems negative. One spark of happiness can hold back the all-encompassing sadness or hurt and I think this is a fantastic message J.K. Rowling highlights in her book. Just one reason why Harry Potter books are as much for adults as for children!

The three people I tag:

Syc at The Lit Mermaid

Emma at Bluechickenninja

Audrey at Forwards and Bookwards

Look out for another quote tomorrow!

Kerry ☮

14 thoughts on “3 days, 3 quotes: day 1| tag

    1. It’s fantastic isn’t it? Which book was your favourite? I always believe that it’s for all ages and quotes like this prove it. I also love “It is our choice that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities”.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I definitely hate Bellatrix, she’s evil! But I think Umbridge is worse! I think it’s because she pretends to sweet with her pink and her little teacups..she makes me so mad! Haha 😁


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